Private 1 on 1
With private lessons, the player will receive in-depth feedback and coaching from a highly experienced coach throughout every session. Private soccer training gives your child an opportunity to have all their questions answered and all their concerns addressed by a coach who is fully focused on them throughout the experience.
Team training only constitutes a few hours a week and the chance to focus on the individual player is scarce, thus, leaving gaps in the soccer player’s development. Private 1 on 1 training will help address the following:
For players that are new to the game – being thrown straight into a team environment or soccer game can be a daunting task, so working privately with a coach to start with can help ease you into the world of soccer.
For players striving to play at an advanced or elite level. As you aim higher the margins become smaller so working with a professional coach across specific and targeted areas of your game can really make a difference.
Learn and refine new techniques – Technical ability is an area that is often overlooked in team training, but it is a vital component of a soccer player’s DNA. 1 on 1 soccer training is great for mastering skills that can be difficult to master in a game. Learning core ball mastery, first touch, turning techniques, and ball striking along with 1v1 principles are examples of where 1-on-1 soccer training will really benefit the player.
Build confidence in a player – Soccer is very much a mental game as much as it is a physical one. Confidence plays a huge role in whether a soccer player succeeds and that is where 1 on 1 soccer training can help. Training in a positive environment where the focus is all on the player can really help to break down mental barriers and lift a soccer player to new confidence levels.